Physical Science is at the heart of engineering…yet our future engineers are sometimes robbed of the opportunity to have their practical’s completed in preparation for their exams – the Midlands College in KZN provides mobile science laboratories and qualified technicians that offer the ability to carry out these experiments.
Focus /Loliwe provided funding and successfully collaborated with the SAICE(South African Institution Of Civil Engineering) KZN branch to offer the Grade 12 Physics students in the various schools in Umhlazi, south of KZN, practical training during their mid-year break
In 2017 we launched the project with 5 schools and are proud to announce that we doubled the reach in 2018 to more than 10 schools.
Whilst Physics was the main order of the day, the SAICE committee members and Focus/Loliwe Team provided the students answers to their questions regarding career choices, options for tertiary education and bursary information. All in all, this initiative always gives us more than we bargain for…looking forward to keeping this initiative going with SAICE in the years to come.
#futureisconstruction #givingback #Focuspm #SAICEDurban