Focus Project Management and Loliwe Rail proudly hosted the principal, his vice, the governing body representative and 14 students from Silver Heights Secondary School today at our Durban Office. We are delighted to hold a long term association with the school which is publicly funded and founded in a community that faces numerous social challenges yet managed to achieve a 98.43% pass rate in 2017. In order to uplift these bright-sparks and lessen the burden on the parents of these future stars, Focus PM and Loliwe Rail sponsored 21 bursaries (school fees) and provided 14 sets of school uniform comprising of 2 sets of uniform each, school shoes, socks, school bag & some stationery to indigent learners. These were handed out at our offices.

Amongst the speakers was the inspirational Mr Qwabe (Community Leader) who offered the children advice for their student life, personal life and their futures. He said we all must continually seek to improve and Push Until Something Happens (PUSH).

To reiterate Mr Qwabe’s speech, in the words of Martin Luther King Jr: If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

Focus and Loliwe wish our bursars the best of luck for their exams and the next year of studies! We are routing for you!

#Focuspm #Loliwe #corporatesocialresponsibility #communityorientated #educationforthenation

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