PARK SQUARE, our flagship project in Durban, bagged a ‘HIGHLY COMMENDED AWARD’ for Technical Excellence at the 2019 Durban SAICE Awards. An incredible accolade for, not only, us as Project Managers, but our Client, NEDPORT DEVELOPMENTS  and the rest of the Engineering Team!

At the recent 2019 SAPOA Property Developments Award for Innovative Excellence, the category of Refurbishments for Retail was won by the EASTGATE RE-DEVELOPMENT AND CONTEMPORISATION Project located in Bedfordview, Johannesburg.  FOCUS was the Project Manager on this high-paced refurb project. A huge thanks to the entire professional team and contractor.

Massive kudus to all our FOCUS staff involved on these projects for achieving stellar returns on your dedication to our brand!

These projects and their execution are synonymous to the award-winning excellence that we strive for at FOCUS.